Landscape architects are busying themselves with work in and around the city, with very exciting projects happening elsewhere in the UK.
To build upon our growing awareness of the industry, we are investigating practices who's work we find inspirational and influential. With so many practices specialising in some awesome projects, the decision to chose one hasn't been an easy one.
I've been looking at the likes of Patel Taylor, and architect/landscape practice in east London, Mark Laurence, a garden designer/landscaper focussing a lot of his work in sustainability,and Martha Schwartz, a US landscape architect with offices in Massachusetts and London.
Of these three, Martha Schwartz Partners got my vote. The practice realises the ecological levels at which projects must be solved and so goes beyond each site's technical requirements to search for aesthetic solutions that in turn create value, a sense of identity, and determine the sustainability of a landscape.
MSP brings this balance between environmental practice and aesthetics to national and international projects ranging in scale and scope from public plazas, parks, master plans, urban redevelopment, reclamation, and mixed-use developments to art commissions and private residences.
Their website can be found at
Probably the most impressive UK project is the Grand Canal Square in Dublin Docklands. The design for “a major new public space, has been unveiled by the
Dublin Docklands Development Authority. At 10,000 sq metres, the Square, located at the west end of Grand Canal Dock facing on to the water, will be one of the largest paved public spaces in the city.”

An interesting project I've recently come across, a West Yorkshire community redevelopment scheme can be found at this link: