Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Kingston Gateway - 1st project semester 1

Our first project in the course - to design a gateway for one of three sites within Kingston, the station, Kingston bridge or College roundabout.

My proposal was to enlarge the existing roundabout and create an area for people to stroll around the small central pond or lay under the trees planted on the banks. Around the edge is a photovoltaic ring, there to generate enough power to light the central installation. This installation is poropsed to be constructed from ageing recycled watermain pipes which, strategically postioned and viewed from a certain point encircling the roundabout, make out the letter 'K'. Lit from inside and powered with the green voltaic energy, they diffuse a twinkling light through the degraded and holey surface.

Here is a short quicktime animation of my proposal for the roundabout, constructed in 3ds max. Malibu comes to Kingston.

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