Monday, 12 October 2009

The Brixton Pound

Transition Town Brixton is one of the most successful community-led initiatives seeking to raise local awareness of Climate Change and Peak Oil. They propose that it's better to design that change, reduce impacts & make it beneficial than wait to be surprised by it. As is the template for all Transition Towns, they vision a better low energy/carbon future for Brixton. A Brixton Energy Descent Action Plan is being designed - the route-map to the future and the intentions are to make it happen.

A Transition Town considers the challenges of the future as opportunities to rethink the way we do everything, to reconnect with our planet and our community and to relocalise. Themed working groups are formed to vision and plan a transition to a better low energy future in food, health, work, culture etc. Localisation is key and will require that we rediscover many lost skills. TTBrixton aims to be inclusive, imaginative, practical and fun. And to build a local community that is more interconnected, resilient and self-reliant.

Much to the Brixton community's excitement, on Thursday 17 September Transition Town Brixton launched the Brixton Pound. 800 people pledged to convert more than £12,000 into 'money that sticks to Brixton.' More than 70 businesses had signed up to accept B£s.

What I find interesting, is that quite a few people I know who live and work in Brixton, have been quite unaware of this new and exciting achievement. These are not people living with their heads in the ground, but involved, open-minded and aware 30-somethings, and while some have overheard younger neighbours speaking of this 'Brixton money' others have very little knowledge of what is happening on their doorsteps. Since I don't live in Brixton, I cannot speak of how the message has been spread. What I do know, is that thanks to my current educational position, I am exposed more to these sorts of movements, and as mentioned in a previous post, I am becoming actively involved in my own neighbourhood's Transition Town movement ( and will sure as hell make sure everyone knows about it!

See a video here about the Brixton Pound:

+ Transition Town Brixton
+ The Brixton Pound

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