Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Work Experience #2

The second spell of work experience was spent with Townshend Landscape Architects, in Old Street. A very different scenario from Vogt, although none the less a good learning experience.

The office is involved in various large and medium scale projects, UK based and abroad. My duties over the two weeks were to help each team in whatever was required, whether it be researching, putting together indesign presentations, or various CAD related jobs.

What I did appreciate about Townshend, is their design process, with much site and contextual analyses. I feel I was able to walk away and be much clearer of what is expected of me as a graduating landscape architect.

The only shame was that I didn't get to spend much time with various people in the office, nor ask as much as I'd wanted to - the workload for everyone was massive. Either way, a much appreciated experience.

+Townshend Landscape Architects

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