The PLAY Module was a live project in Richmond - Hampton Hill Junior School. The caretaker's house attached to the school was redesigned to incorporate an Adult Learning Centre, and the small garden area between the junior school and ALC was to be redesigned for 2-5 year olds. The project uploaded below is a new submission since I was unhappy with the first proposal and wanted to better the mark from the first submission.
Play: Hampton Hill Junior School Garden Project - http://www.scribd.com/doc/15686671/30PlayResubmissionMay09
+ images courtesy of WA Com
+ images courtesy of WAN
What initally caught my eye with this project was the image of the kitchen above with grove trees growing through the floor to ceiling. I recently travelled to the Yucatan province of Mexico which is reknowned for it's lime stone caves. I snorkled in one and what intrigued me were the roots of trees growing directly through the limestone roof and dangling into the fresh water (see below). I wondered if anyone had used this in a design before and I think this may be the closest I have found yet.
Limestone caves - Tulum, Yucatan Province, Mexico