Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Vancouver Vertical Farm

Paris has competition it seems, (as do many other world-wide cities) since The City of Vancouver has ambitious plans to become the most sustainable city in the world.

Vancouver based Romses Architects have designed a vertical urban farm, complete with a tower for growing fruits and vegetables, livestock grazing plane, boutique dairy farm, commercial space, transit lines, renewable energy and more. Entitled the Harvest Green Tower, Romses proposal is that it has the potential to be a food growing, energy producing, living, breathing sustainable transit hub.

The tower consists of interlocking tubes that grow various fruits and vegetables, house chickens and contain an aquaponic fish farm. A rainwater cistern is at the top of the tower to collect and water all the plants and animals. At the base of the tower is a livestock grazing plain, as well as a bird habitat and boutique sheep and goat dairy facility. At the ground level is a grocery store, farmer’s market and restaurant.

Renewable energy is produced from rooftop mounted wind turbines and photovoltaic glazing on the building with the additional help of geothermal heat pumps and also methane generation from composting.

This spring Vancouver held the FormShift Vancouver Competition to develop and improve the city’s livability through greener, denser developments. The Harvest Green Tower received an honorable mention in the Primary category for a mixed use primary (arterial) site along a major Vancouver street.

+images courtesy of Romses Architects
via inhabitat

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